Premium Quality Pneumatic Planter for Sale In UAE

Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter is highly effective for organic farmers. This method improves drainage, making it ideal for heavy clay soils. Smallholder farms in Africa can tackle soil compaction by implementing raised bed technology with our high-quality raised bed pneumatic planters. These are available at AgroAsia Tractors, a trusted supplier of agricultural machinery in UAE.

Specifications of Pneumatic Planter

  • Simple to work and keep up, more prominent Output and Less weed.
  • Structures new raised beds and further more ,Sowing of wheat, maize and cotton.
  • 8 Rows for wheat, 4 for maize.
  • Pick and drop wheel metering.
  • It does that to achieve the most extreme required Plant quantity and quality for max.
  • Ideal equipment for Sunflower, Maize, Cotton, Sorghum, Tomatoes and different vegetables.
  • Structures new raised beds and further more ,Sowing of wheat, maize and cotton.
  • Utilized for accurate Sowing of cotton or corn seeds on the edges for better development and control of the water flow.
  • In addition ,It’s solid Vacuum Fan causes each unit to swallow and pickup Hybrid seed individually and place on needed dividing of plant to plant
  • Bed estimate movable.

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